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Phase Management

Phases are used during a storm Event to define specific Activities that allow planning of Assignments for Resources. Once a new Event is created, the Admin user can create and manage Phases.


Phase Statuses:

New Newly created, not activated Phase.
Active Manually activated Phase (event can have several active phases at the time).
Completed Manually completed by Supervisor user.
Archived Status after event archivation.

Phase Creation

The ‘Monitoring Phase’ for each depot is created automatically with each event.

The Phase creation process has two steps: Specify Phase details and Assignments Planning.

To create a new phase, select the “Add Phase” button.

Phase Creation

Fill out all the information on the form and select the “Add Phase” button. The system will then redirect you to the Assignment Planning screen.

Assignments Planning

The Assignments Planning screen allows the user to plan and specify work on routes.

It is a necessary step during the phase creation process.

It has two view modes: ‘By Route’ and ‘By Resource’.

By Route

The By Route screen is a default view mode.

By Route Assignments

The By Route screen allows a user to add Resources to Routes and specify Inspectors.

By Resource

To display the ‘By Resource’ view mode, click on the switch under the Phase details in the top left corner of the screen.

By Resource Assignments

On the By Resource screen, a user can add resources to the event and specify routes for each resource to work on. Additionally, after adding a resource, a truck can be assigned here if a driver does not have a truck.

To complete the assignment planning process, click on the “Save Assignments” button, and Progress will be saved in the system.

If the assignment planning was part of the phase creation process, clicking the ‘Save Assignments’ button uses will redirect the user to the Phase Management screen. A a new phase will be created and will appear in the list.

Phase Activation

Phases can be activated only when the storm event they belong to is active.

All default ‘Monitoring’ phases in all depots will be activated automatically with a storm event.

Typically, it will be the Depot Supervisor’s duty to move the phases forward during an Event. Once one Phase is completed, all Supervisors are notified in the Supervisor App (SA) when the phase is completed.

To activate a newly created phase, select the Play button.

Phase Activation

Several phases can be active simultaneously. However, during the phase activation process a user can complete an active phase by checking it. This is a convenient way to move through the phase management workflow.

Pause and Resume a Phase

Phases can also be paused. This allows retention of the states of all assignments. When a Phase is resumed, all assignments will resume from their previous state. Pausing an Active Phase is used in case something occurred during a snow event that required moving to the next phase quickly while allowing the user to return and resume work on a previous phase.

Phase Completion

A Phase can be completed manually by selecting the Complete button. When a storm event is completed, all phases associated with this event are automatically marked ‘Complete’.

Commit Routes

During phase activation process, Supervisors are able to make a decision which routes they would like to commit for work (such routes become committed). Once the phase is active, Supervisors and Inspectors are able to commit more routes for work or choose to commit all non-committed routes within the phase for work as an event progresses.

Commit Routes