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Login and Navigation


The login screen below allows a Supervisor user to access the SNOWiQ Supervisor Application. Click the ‘Login’ button to be re-routed to enter the assigned username and password for the application.

Once logged into the Supervisor App, the Map Monitoring view will be displayed. Note: A Supervisor assigned to a specific depot will only see routes associated with that depot.


Displays the current version of the app.

Event Log

The Event Log allows a Supervisor to view details of user actions and timestamps of those actions actions for a current, active Event. The log displays the time the action occurred in the system, what the action was, and who performed the action (username or system). Actions may include creating an Assignment or activating a new Phase for a Depot.

<Event_log” class=”ios width-xl” data-lightbox=”6” />

Map Layers

A user can access the Map Layers panel by pressing the Map Layers icon on the map (the stack of layers icon as shown below). By selecting the elements from the panel, a user can specify the markers or segments to be displayed on the map, based on any filters selected in the left-hand panel.


On the Map Monitoring view, when a user zooms out, markers are displayed with numbers inside them appear called ‘clusters’ that de-clutter the map and group together as markers. Clicking on a cluster allows to user to zoom in on that area and view the separated markers on the map.
